DISCOVER Living Soul Astrology - our new online course & community
Hello! I'm Ruth Hadikin and I'd love to show you how to use Soul Astrology to support you on your journey of self-exploration and spiritual awakening!
First! Discover your Soul Path and Life Purpose for this incarnation. Soul Astrology helps you to get clear on what you came here to do AND how you'll do it...
Take these 3 easy steps to find YOUR Soul Path and Life Purpose NOW:
1. Use our FREE Rising Sign Calculator to determine your Rising Sign.
2. Look up the Soul Purpose for YOUR Rising Sign.
3. Download your FREE guide to learn how it all fits together with your Sun and Moon signs.
That's it - you're on your way to understanding your Soul Path with Soul Astrology!
Navigating Your Life's Journey!
Your birth chart can be your personal map or guide as you navigate Life’s Greatest Adventure: your journey of spiritual awakening through Self-exploration! A soul astrology report or zoom session can support you in understanding the main themes of your life, and what your Soul is wanting in this lifetime.
Life's greatest adventure is the journey of your Soul. It is a journey of self-exploration, leading to spiritual awakening and the highest Self-discovery - the realization of your own true nature.
Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.
Your Journey ...
The Most exciting journey you will ever take is the one to discover who you really are and just how many things you are capable of"
- Barbara Wren
The key to discovering your passion and purpose is self-exploration, which leads you on life's great adventure to discover your own hidden treasure: your unique Soul path…
On a great adventure every explorer needs:
- A map and compass to navigate
- Supplies to sustain us on our journey, and
- An experienced guide
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them humanity cannot survive.
- HH XIV Dalai Lama
On your greatest adventure:
- Your birth chart is both the map of your Soul Astrology and a compass that helps you align with your Soul Path and Life Purpose
- Techniques that cultivate your inner qualities (emotional intelligence, resilience, love and compassion) will sustain you, and
- An experienced guide who knows the territory is invaluable.
"Tracking the trail of soul seeds planted through lifetimes waiting to bloom with the right causes and conditions, is the mystery and wonder of it all. Living in the awe of this idea causes one to relish in the richness of a life, guided from the energetic influences of something greater. Ruth Hadikin is like an archaeologist for the Soul, excavating precious tell-tale seeds of where you have been, and where you just might be going."
- Anya Sophia Mann, Visionary Intuitive Consultant
For previous generations, the greatest adventure was exploring, discovering and mapping the unknown territories of the outer world. For us, and for future generations, the greatest adventure is exploring, discovering and mapping the unknown territories of our inner world.
"It is possible to travel the whole world in search of one who is more worthy of compassion than oneself.
No such person can be found."
- The Buddha
Your Purpose - Your Passion - Your Soul Path: Why Ruth?
You have a unique Divine purpose that you are here to contribute in this lifetime. It is the unique expression of your purest essence, your Soul. It is the fruit of what you are here to heal and learn, and it is a Divine expression of who you really are.
Whether reflecting on the past or imagining your future, Ruth has the unique ability to highlight the trajectory of the Soul's path bringing it to your present moment awareness. With clarity and insight she is able to guide you toward the teachings from the lessons you are here to learn in this life, light up your path and make sense of it.
Ruth is able to pull in what appear to be disconnected, disparate, threads of information, weave them all together into one cohesive whole, and then make sense of it all by relating it to your life purpose and Soul path.
Passion is your heart's desire. The word passion is connected with compassion, which is Divine Energy in action. You have a stream of Divine Energy flowing through you that, when you allow it, is expressed into the world as your passion. When you are in your passion you are tapped into your Soul and flowing Divine Energy into the world through your heart. This is how your passion transforms into compassion.
When it comes to your own life all the seemingly disconnected pieces come together, like a precision Swiss clock, and make perfect sense in the context of your Soul's journey. Your passion is the fuel to living your life on purpose in accord with your Soul path.
Your Soul is your essence. It is the blueprint of your highest self that contains all your past experiences and future potential. It carries a unique vibration wanting to be expressed into the world, through YOU.
As an experienced guide, Ruth has tools for mapping different points on your journey. She guides you in determining your purpose and passion for yourself, mapping your Soul's path through your unique Soul Astrology.
"Ruth Hadikin is ... an esoteric astrologer writing on Aquarius-Leo: The Flow of Love and the Flowering of Human Consciousness. It always seems like a good idea to include an uplifting view, and she writes: “The fully integrated Aquarian Soul knows that the way to flow the energy of love and life is through skillful use of the mind; that mental energy is not meant to be wasted as we currently do in petty conflicts or the pursuit of mental games to amuse the ego, but that our mind is meant to be a focused vehicle for the influx of spiritual energy.”
- Mary Plumb, Mountain Astrologer
Life's Greatest Adventure is YOUR own journey of Self-exploration!
Download your FREE eBook Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology