leo-rising-the leo-soul

Unveil the mystery of your Soul with this powerfully liberating guide to your Soul Sign, based on the teachings of a Tibetan master.

A short overview of your Soul Sign
Includes meditation specific to your Soul Sign

My daughter said she had never read a description of the Leo soul that resonated with her the way yours did. Thank you so much for the work you do!

- Charlotte, Ohio, USA

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Note: The Soul Sign descriptions in this short guide are from the book:
"Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose"
The Soul Sign meditations are unique to this edition.

  • aries-rising-thumbnail ARIES RISING THE ARIES SOUL If you have Aries rising you are here to inspire others with Divine ideas

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    Your challenge is to tame your mind, cultivate your intuition and cultivate self-awareness to the point where you can distinguish Divine inspiration from the needs and drives of your own personality.

  • taurus-rising-thumbnail TAURUS RISING THE TAURUS SOUL If you have Taurus rising you are here to release personal attachment and develop your senses for their highest purpose to lead you to freedom, liberation, illumination and eventually enlightenment.

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    Because Taurus resonates with peace, you tend to relax once you have all your creature comforts around you. Your biggest challenge is to not become complacent, and stay awake!

  • gemini-rising-thumbnail GEMINI RISING THE GEMINI SOUL If you have Gemini rising you are here to teach right human relations

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    To do this you have to 'marry' the head-mind and the heart-mind and deeply understand relationship as the interplay of light. Because Gemini is so curious you are interested in everything, so your biggest challenge is to stay focused on your soul path and not become distracted by mundane affairs

  • cancer-rising-thumbnail CANCER RISING THE CANCER SOUL If you have Cancer rising you are here to find your inner light, keep it lit, and flow greater degrees of compassion into the world

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    Because Cancer is the sign of mass consciousness, you feel the fear of the masses. The biggest challenge for you is not succumbing to fear but to allow it to move through you and become transmuted into compassion.

  • leo-rising-thumbnail LEO RISING THE LEO SOUL If you have Leo rising you are here to usher in an era of heart-centered leadership

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    Your biggest challenge will be to not become identified with your actions. You are NOT what you do. There is a real self, and a false self, and it is your job to figure out which is which. Once you do this you align with your soul purpose and your life becomes an expression of Divine Will.

  • virgo-rising-thumbnail VIRGO RISING THE VIRGO SOUL If you have Virgo rising you are here to be of service by flowing pure Divine love into the world through your work

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    Your biggest challenge is to not become discouraged and disheartened by the imperfection of the mundane world, which could leave you feeling anxious and critical. The perfection you seek is the perfection of the soul. Let go of ideas of how things 'ought to be' and flow your love anyway.

  • libra-rising-thumbnail LIBRA RISING THE LIBRA SOUL If you have Libra rising you are here to bring in greater degrees of harmony and balance into the world through right relationship

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    In your case this comes from a deep understanding of the relationship between all things: including people and the beautiful planet we live on. Your biggest challenge is finding the balance between self and other in your own relationship. You matter as much as others. Not more, not less. Finding the point of balance which honors both is part of your life's work.

  • scorpio-rising-thumbnail SCORPIO RISING THE SCORPIO SOUL If you have Scorpio rising you are here to transform darkness into light through your own personal journey of healing and transformation

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    I've never met a Scorpio soul who had an easy life. You are learning about energy and how to flow energy in ways that are beneficial to all concerned. It often feels like your life is one big struggle, but it is a struggle which makes you stronger, and comes at the appropriate time. Like a chick pecking it's way out of an egg, it's time now to hatch. Your biggest challenge is to not get caught in confrontation but to transmute the energy of any potentially volatile situation, which transforms you and lifts you to your highest potential.

  • sagittarius-rising-thumbnail SAGITTARIUS RISING THE SAGITTARIUS SOUL. If you have Sagittarius rising you are here to uplift humanity through the revelation of truth and wisdom

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    To do this you have to know truth for yourself, the deeper spiritual truth that lies beyond mind and mental concepts. Since Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher you love to think and formulate philosophies to guide our way of living. Your biggest challenge is to release all man-made mental concepts, go beyond opinions and philosophy, and discover the underlying truth of your existence.

  • capricorn-rising-thumbnail CAPRICORN RISING THE CAPRICORN SOUL If you have Capricorn rising you are here to express your vocation for the greater good

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    Our 'vocation' is our spiritual calling, you are here to listen to your spiritual calling and make the sacred manifest in the world. At the highest level the Capricorn soul is an engineer of light, you have an innate knowing of alchemy and how to manifest heaven on Earth. Your biggest challenge is to use your talent and energy for spiritual purposes: to aspire to spiritual heights rather than becoming lost in the trappings of worldly wealth and achievement.

  • aquarius-rising-thumbnail AQUARIUS RISING THE AQUARIUS SOUL If you have Aquarius rising you are here to flow the dual waters of love and life into the world in ways that benefit humanity

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    Your biggest challenge will be to get out of your head and into your heart. The spiritual energy of which we speak flows through the heart and, as the fixed air sign, Aquarius is very much a sign of the mind. It is too easy for you to be lost in ideas. When you access the power of your heart you will use your mind as the vessel, the vase of Aquarius, through which you steadily direct the love and light that flows from your heart.

  • pisces-rising-thumbnail PISCES RISING THE PISCES SOUL If you have Pisces rising you are here to flow universal love into the world

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    The biggest challenge for you is to create appropriate boundaries, and not take things personally. Because you can feel what others feel, it is easy for you to take on other people's feelings. It is important for you to realize that everything you feel isn't yours, and that other people are responsible for their own feelings. Allow others to learn their own lessons, and stay in the place of love. This way you become a 'spiritual pacemaker', striking a heart-tone that others can follow.

What Are The Books About?

Watch The Video Below To Find Out.

What's Inside...

The example below is from the "Leo Rising" book...


  1.     Introduction
  2.     Your Soul Sign
  3.     Your Leo Soul
  4.     Personality and Soul
  5.     Soul Recognition
  6.     Personality and Soul Expressions of Leo
  7.     Leo Soul Meditation

About The Author

Ruth Hadikin BSc. graduated with a first class honors degree (summa cum laude) in midwifery. She has Cancer Rising with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Leo. In addition to her many ‘roles’ in this lifetime she has been an ongoing student of astrology, esoteric, and spiritual teachings since she was 19 years old.

Ruth loves world travel, and has travelled extensively in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, USA, Australia, Kenya, Egypt, India, Nepal and Tibet. She has lived in England, Scotland, Spain, and the USA.

She specialises in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose.

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